Dogma: las monjas pecadoras en exclusiva para Metalópolis

Valente Salazar de Metalópolis Podcast conversó con Lilith, vocalista de la polémica banda de monjas pecadoras, Dogma. La cantante nos cuenta un poco sobre el mensaje profundo de transformación en su música, además de las expectativas por su primera visita a México.

Interview by Valente Salazar
Additional text: Eric Novelo

One of the most controversial musical acts within the realm of modern metal is Dogma. A band formed by four women disguised as sinner nuns, with heavy music and lyrical themes of anti-religion and sexual liberation. Their identity and country of origin is unknown, but certainly their impact on the music industry is well recognized by thousands of followers around the world.

Valente from Metalópolis Podcast had the chance to spoke to Lilith, vocalist of this heavy metal/hard rock act that will soon be in Mexican territory. Discover more about this mysterious and polemic band in the following lines!


V: Hi Dogma! How are you?

 L: Hello sinner, I am Lilith. the voice that beckons from the shadows. Welcome to Dogma.

V: First of all, welcome to Metalópolis. I want to thank you for this interview, your band is really unique, and I think that more than interesting, but let’s start from the beginning. What is Dogma? A band, a project, a religion, a cult, where does it start and why is it called Dogma?

L: As our sinners delve into the depths of our offerings, we encourage them to interpret our dogma in their own unique way. It is our earnest hope that amidst their interpretations, they capture the essence of our philosophy focused on individual empowerment and self-discovery. We stand as an open invitation, beckoning individuals to embrace their distinct paths and, in doing so, kindle inspiration in others. In our vision, we aspire to witness a world where personal freedom and authenticity stand as the reigning principles. In the domain of contradiction, we stand as Dogma, an original doctrine championing anti-dogmatism. We perceive contrast as a clarifying lens for the eyes. The paradox embodied in «freedom nuns» amplifies the essence of «freedom,» underscoring that nuns, tethered by their faith, are not genuinely free. This extends to our overarching critique of organized religion.

V: Dogma plays a sharp Heavy Metal with awesome lyrics about sexual liberation and anti-religion themes. Where does the inspiration come from to play Heavy Metal and to those lyrics? What is the message that Dogma wants to spread over the world?

L: We embrace the belief that divinity resides within each individual. Every person stands as the master of their own destiny, bearing the weight of responsibility for their choices. At the heart of our ethos lies a message advocating self-empowerment and individual sovereignty. Woven into our lyrics is a narrative intricately connected to the message we endeavor to spread: a captivating story that serves as an embodiment of evolution and empowerment, challenging societal norms and embracing rebellion. Our inspiration is drawn from the conviction in the power of transformation, the allure of the forbidden, and an unwavering desire to break free from the constraints of the ordinary. As a sacred commandment, we hold the principle of respecting others’ decisions and integrity in the highest regard.

V: Your first cd named “Dogma” was released in 2023. Previously you have released four singles and some videos too. How do you feel about the reception of these works on the Heavy Metal world? Can you tell us a little bit about the recording process of the videos?

L: We are ecstatic, though it comes as no surprise. Dogma fills a void, delivering what many crave and yearn for. Sinners gravitate towards us because we embody desire, awakening, and the voice of the unheard.

Regarding the videos and their process, it’s crucial to note that Dogma is a conceptual album based on a 13-chapter novel. Our aim was to musicalize each chapter, so the videos align closely with the narrative of the songs. The themes were already established through the music, making the video production process a direct extension of our creative vision.

V: Being a new band in this hard music world, what are the challenges that are on the way? Talking about recording songs, making videos, releasing your first CD…

L: For us, the greatest challenge that bands face is vision. Once you have a clear vision, everything flows. When you know what you want to say, the songs practically write themselves. It takes craftsmanship and surrounding yourself with the right team, but for us, the key is to start with the why (as Simon Sinek says).

Then come the operational challenges, which have to do with competing in a world where people’s attention is the currency everyone is vying for. It’s important that the vision is unique or fills a gap, or breaks with established paradigms that no one questions. Everything else is just work, hard work, but the most important thing is the vision. If you don’t know where you’re going, it’s certain you won’t get anywhere.

Finding the right team is perhaps the biggest challenge for recordings, videos, and promotion because it’s necessary for the team to understand and share our vision. We’re not just a band united by music or musical affinity, but by a deep philosophy that we need everyone working with us to embrace. That said, we are very pleased with the team we have formed so far.

V: Your song «My First Peak» was voted as one of the best metal songs of 2023 on Metal Hammer magazine. Considering that is your second single, how do you feel about that nomination?

L: We are delighted by the acknowledgment; we see it as an integral part of our growth, spreading our message and gaining recognition. Remember, we stand as the voice for the unheard, and there are countless voices yet to be heard. This could undoubtedly be considered a «second peak.»

V: Besides your musical and lyrical themes, Dogma burst the internet for the appearance of the band. Why the nun theme?

L: The deliberate selection of «nuns» as our symbolic contrast is purposeful, embodying the opposing force to our message. Nuns, frequently bound by their steadfast faith and restricted by the confines of religious strictness, epitomize the sharp contradiction that propels our dedication to freedom and resistance against oppressive structures. They act as a canvas for our rebellion, mirroring our desire to surpass the commonplace and challenge the unquestioned.

V: On the other hand, some people may think that Dogma is all about the image and not the music. To those people, what would your message be?

L: That’s their perspective, and we respect everyone’s point of view. Perhaps that’s how they engage with Dogma, maybe that’s what matters to them about Dogma. That’s perfectly acceptable, individual freedom is significant.

V: And now for 2024, what are your plans? Will we see Dogma playing live soon?

L: Indeed, touring marks the imminent culmination of our inception and the inaugural stride in our conquest.

V: Thank you very much for your time. I hope that Dogma will haunt some Mexican stages in the near future. Any last words for this interview?

L: That stands as one of our forthcoming endeavors. Numerous Mexican sinners have reached out, and we shall deliver. As a parting message to our sinners: Life’s playlist may be tumultuous, but amid the dissonance, discover your unique rhythm. Embrace the beats of struggle, for they lead to the symphony of resilience. Every note in your journey narrates a tale of overcoming. So, turn up the volume, let the melody of your strength resonate loudly, and claim the soundtrack of your life. In the realm of Dogma, you’re not merely a listener; you’re the conductor of your own triumph.

We embrace you, Metalópolis, for you are true sinners.

Dogma will be performing alongside Wind Rose at Circo Volador, one of the most emblematic venues in Mexico City. Do not miss their concert next July the 5 th!

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